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Dispatch Dispatch Dispatch


We are focused on making Dispatch the default choice for durable execution and workflow orchestration. The following roadmap outlines our vision for the future of Dispatch and the upcoming releases.

We are always listening for feedback and open to feature requests and ideas. Please join us on Discord or join discussions on GitHub.

Check out our Changelog page for the latests updates, features and fixes.

Dispatch technical preview

Dispatch is currently free and in technical preview. While we are actively working on developing the product, we believe Dispatch can already yield a lot of benefits for early adopters.

Dispatch will remain free during the technical preview period. We will announce the pricing and licensing model before the end of the technical preview.

Benefits for early adopters:

  • Exclusive early access: Get a first look at upcoming features
  • The chance to shape the future of distributed systems: Get the opportunity to help us define the next steps and shape features for your needs.
  • Free support: Get help from the Dispatch team and the community.

Coming next

Here are the big features we are working on for the next releases:

Please reach out if you have any feedback on these upcoming features!

Dispatch CLI

Great developer tools need great developer experience. We’ve heard the feedback and we are working on providing the best local developer experience for Dispatch.


Dispatch allows developer to build complex graph of execution of functions. The next step is to provide insights into the execution of these functions.

Durable schedules

Many use cases required the ability to schedule functions to run at a specific time or at regular intervals. Dispatch will provide a durable and reliable way to schedule functions.

Build on top of the Dispatch distributed scheduler, you will be able to create code which can sleep for months and wake up at the right time without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure.

Dispatch Agent mode

The current Dispatch offering is a fully managed service. You write and host your application and we handle the reliability. However, we understand that data management and compliance requirements can make it impossible to use a system like Dispatch.

We are working on an agent mode, where a stateless version of the Dispatch scheduler will run in your infrastructure and be controlled remotely by Dispatch. This will bring you the best of both words: the reliability of a managed service and the control of running your own infrastructure.

Bring your own bucket

In parallel of the agent mode, you will be able to choose where the state of your Dispatch functions should be stored. You will be able to use your own S3 compatible blob storage and keep full control of your data.

Additional SDKs

Python is only the first step! We are already working on a Go SDK that will leverage our coroutine library. And more languages will come once we’ve finalize the first version of our programming model.